Recently, the Nigerian Senate stopped the second reading of the Gender and opportunity Aka GOB. The GOB bill titled "Bill for an act to incorporate and enforce Certain provisions of the United Nations Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women " sponsored by Senator Biodun Olujimi of Ekiti South Senatoral district. The Senate president after discourse from different senators puts the Bill to vote and Nays have it. This sparked reaction from eminent Nigerians especially social media activist, the Misogynist and Feminist, the Nigeria Senate trended through out the day on twitter with each individual sharing his/her opinion on the said Bill.

An inward look at the proposed Bill depicts that the GOB bill seeks to promote equality, development and advancement of all persons in Nigeria, it also speaks on the women freedom of movement, female economic activity and girl access to education. It further point out concerns on equal rights for women in marriage, divorce and property /land ownership and inheritance.  The bill also seeks to appropriate measures against gender discrimination in political and public life and prohibitions of violence to women.

From the above paragraph, at glance, one can easily conclude that such a Bill will be panacea to Discrimination of women and abuse but a microscopic view of the GOB bill shows that the bill contravened some of our Religion and Cultural believes. Our Cultural belief is that Man is the head of Family and the woman would in turn support the man in his endeavors. Hence the popular saying  " Behind a Successful Man is a woman. The culture states the Man has the head and the woman has the neck. Even our holy books showed that women should be held in high esteem. The Bill is also a repetition/ segregation of some provisions of the 1999 constitution.

The above paragraph maybe confusing, so let's dissect the GOB bill point by point.
The bill seeks to promote equality, development and advancement of all person in Nigeria: this is a repetition of chapter 4 S. 33 and 41 of the Nigerian Constitution. That is a basic human right irrespective of Gender.
The bill also speaks on women freedom of Movement, female economic and girl right to education : Every person (irrespective of gender ) has  a fundamental right to freedom of movement and economic activity according to Chapter 4  section 34,36, ,40 and 41 of the 1999 constitution as amended.  As per the girl education, it shouldn't be categorized for the girl child alone. Education should be  a basic right of child irrespective of gender According to UNICEF 2012 summit.
The Bill seeks Equal rights for women in Marriage, divorce, property land ownership and inheritance: No sane church, mosque or Registry would marry off people without the consent of the groom, the bride and their parents, so, where is the inequality in Marriage. Same way with Divorce, moreover, Any discontented person can seek for divorce and I was made to know that the Child of the parents seeking for the divorce would be asked to choose between the parent.  On property and land ownership, I don't think any of the land impedes any woman from acquiring landed properties. In fact, where I stay, Most landed properties are owned by women. We don't need a Bill for this. On inheritance, I think that should be a personal choice, no law or bill should how inheritance should be shared.
Adoption of special temporary measures to eliminate discrimination and ensure equal opportunities for the Majority of Nigerians : I think this makes sense. I do support this point.
  Lastly, the bill seeks appropriate measures against Gender discrimination in political and public life and prohibition of violence to women: on Gender discrimination,  to buttress the point made by Deputy senate president that 70% of Nigerian lawyers are women and there are also a large percentage of female judges " I think the electoral act and electioneering provisions in the 1999 constitution didn't discriminate against any body so far the qualification are met. We have woman senator, deputy Governor, speakers of house of assembly in the past. On prohibition of Violence to women, I think it's good but isn't there a bill on domestic violence already in the National assembly?

After dissecting the bill, one could see that eve though GOB was proposed good intentions, but the bill wants to Categorize specifically for women A fundamental human rights meant for both gender. The Law is established as rule of law not segregated for any gender, so I advise the Ever Gallant Senator Abiodun Olujimi to go back to the drawing board and modify the bill entirely. I think what Nigeria need is to make a bill that protect Nigerian women from Domestic violence. The Nigerian women should also dream big and aim high. Nowadays, Most girls lack ephemeral ambition, there is need for reorientation to eradicate the inferiority Complex.

Also I want us to remember this popular saying that the greatest harm can come from best intention. Before I drop my pen, let me ask these question, we are clamoring for equal rights, should female law enforcement agents be allowed to go to war front?

Kayode Abiodun writes from his village in Ayegun Ibadan and can be containing on twitter @abiodunsays

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