As a Nigerian that I am, and will always be, gives me the liberty to write my view with love, compassion and understanding in my heart. This piece is out of political affiliation, gimmicks and intrigues. It's the best to purge my heart feelings and eschew from all form of sentiments, prejudice and bias. It is my firm belief that our nation Nigeria is just on the verge of announcing her arrival to the World as the rising sun of the new age. This is not the time we should be regretting our actions for voting "change" , laying emphasis on the woes of this administration and planning for another election when the first appropriation bill is yet to be approved by the National Assembly, which is a pause to the development of this country. Eight months ago we took a bold step with high hope, excitement and optimism of a better Nigeria by electing a new President who we believe has what it takes to build a country that we can be proud of, where due process and sanity in all sectors with high respect for the rule of law will be the order of the day. It is very unfortunate that today our hope is gradually dashing out as the ruling class has obviously displayed to the entire world that only the personality of the President, His Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR is ready for the change we all clamoured for, while others ( senators,Governors  reps ,labour leaders, etc.) are mere opportunists, pretenders and dubious set of greedy leaders who hides under the integrity of the President to rob us of our mandates and continue in their dubious and fraudulent dealing at Government corridor. I am specifically unhappy with the situation of things in this country because am a victim of the circumstance but let us recall that the journey of a thousand miles start with a step. The day I was born wasn't the day I started crawling or talking, farmers would wait for days, months, and sometimes years before planted crops could be harvested, even those in academics would study for years with various researches before they can  be elevated to become a Professor. Then why can't we stop murmuring, complaining and becoming more impatient because we all know how corruption has eaten up virtually all the sectors of this country and we cannot expect a miracle in a short period. Few days ago I was listening to the Governor of Ekiti State sending abusive words to the President saying that "he is the voice of the voiceless and if the president hit him he is dead", something came to my mind that instant, to me he is a rabble rouser because there is nothing he is doing towards the development of his state than riding motorcycles, cutting meat in the public and all sorts of irrelevant things he is using to gain public attention while to some people he is a patriot.
A statesman looks for how his country will be transform, share policies, support the government and proffer solutions to pertinent  problems that affects the country not planning about electing another leader in the next election. Constructive criticism is welcomed because it puts those in corridor of power on toes.We are yearning for change but are we really ready? It seems to me that we Nigerians don't know what we want. Israel is a case study, they had the best leaders any nation could ever dream or think of. Their leaders were kind, great and supreme but the people didn't know the value of such leadership, they complained, grumbled, whined and demanded for better leaders.
Let me take you back to the class of history for a moment, Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America, he is probably the most popular and loved president in America today. He was brutally assassinated in office, despite the numerous success he achieved, and the emancipation proclamation to release black slaves yet he was so much hated and killed at the age of 56. Another example is Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore who built his country from a third world to a first world country, he's a modern example that you cannot have a good leader without some excess. He ruled his country for 30yrs and achieved huge success during his tenure which other world leaders envied and admired. After he left he was regarded as the greatest political leader of his country and was recognised only after his death.
When people clamour for a good leader, the leader would either be hated or rejected within an ample period of time. The change we voted for is a short walk to a long destination, it is something that cannot be achieved overnight. The truth is Nigerians are impatient, we want drastic change, miracle and magic within the short period of time the mantle of leadership was given to Buhari and since it can't be done then we should not support him?.
The point am trying to make is that the biggest problem of our nation is not the "leadership" is we the "people". The very individuals who called for good leadership would also call for his head. Why? Because he demands for the right things to be done that would bring temporary discomfort to the people.

For example, it might require people not to jump queues irrespective of your status. I believe he would stop all the corrupt practices in the land which some people might interpret as taking away their bread, etc. Most importantly, instead of us waiting for a good, kind and angelic leader we must know that change must begin with each and every one of us. We all as citizens of this great nation must get rid of our wrong mindsets. We must individually take responsibility to reform our lifestyles. We must intentionally declare war against our own wrong attitudes, actions and inactions.
If this change does not happen first in the populace, this same populace with their wrong value systems would crucify any leader that comes to rule them with the right values. I therefore call for patience, tolerance and support for the government and its policies.. I belief that if we imbibe those virtues and change our mindset the change we clamour for will come to stay.

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