The time of sleep is a time of rest. A state where we are not conscious of our immediate environment. Research has shown that sleep is characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, reduced functioning of almost every voluntary muscles and a reduction in our interaction with our immediate environment.
Jesus gave a parable about the good seed and tares (Matthew 13:24-29). A man sowed good seed in his field. Suddenly, the enemy struck while the men who were taking care of his field slept. In other words, they were caught unaware by the enemy the moment they let down their guard. However, it is of paramount importance to understand that the seed sown according to the parable was a good seed. This implies that God has deposited a good seed in every one of his children. The seed of God is such a good seed that it is incorruptible (1st Peter 1:23). His deposit in us are not perishable. His seed in us add value to us and thereby impact our immediate environment. We should also recognize that the good seed was sown in order to enjoy a bountiful harvest thereby increasing the net worth of the man who planted the good seed. Also, the man didn’t just plant any seed, he planted a good seed. No wonder the bible said that everything God made was very good (Genesis 1:31). We can see that everything about our God is good and I mean very good including what he has put into you and me.
However, the enemy struck. He planted tares among the good seed. The question that readily comes to mind is ‘’why would he attack what the Almighty himself planted? He could do this when the men in charge of the field were sleeping, the moment they let down their guard. When the operatives of the field where the good seed was planted were at work, the enemy had no room to operate. As children of God, we are not to be slothful in zeal but to keep our spiritual fervor or fervency serving the Lord (Romans 12:11). This is to prevent the enemy from sowing weeds that devalue the good seed God has inputted into us. Once the weed is in place, it struggles for nutrient in the ground with the good seed. This will have an adverse effect on the seed that was sown. Another striking thing about what the enemy did was he could only plant tares when the men slept but could not uproot the good seed. This points to the fact that whatever God does stands forever and cannot be taken away (Ecclesiastes 3:14). The enemy could not take away the good seed planted in us but he throws everything within his reach to ensure that the intention of the good seed in us does not see the light of the day. That is why the enemy would attack our faith, finances, health etc to ensure that the greatness of the seed in the children of God comes to nothing. The servant asked if the master wanted them to gather up the tares but he said no. He was too certain of his good seed. He knew in the midst of tares they will grow. Irrespective of the tares which manifest itself in diverse forms, the seed of God in his children will always bud to show forth the glory of God.

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This article was written by David Oluwaseyi Olajide and was first posted on sinceretalk.com

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