In life, you never know who you will meet. I say this while
reflecting upon my decision to visit Nigeria last December 2015. I would
have never imagined I would stumble into a man who is part of a
situation that can impact so many lives in a negative or positive way
depending on how this story plays out. When I arrived at the airport In
Lagos last year I was escorted by the kindest man I had ever met. My
travel itinerary contained plans of travel to Warri and then to visit
rivers area of Delta state to help victims affected by the oil spills.
We made it Warri but we never reached the rivers area due to high
crime, military action and oil pipeline and facility bombings. At the
time the incidents were being blamed on Tompolo; I know this because
while there I became interested in Nigerian news and we would read the
local papers daily. What I did not know is the extent of involvement my
host played in the situation. Nor did I know that his involvement would
lead to my own.
Fast forwarding to today and here we are: bombings still occurring
in the Delta region, Tompolo still being framed, and me assisting
Akwenuke Bolaino Marho, the nice man who met me at the airport in Lagos
December 2015, to tell his story of involvement; not only how he is
involved but also to disclose the real culprit behind the Shell and
Chevron Texaco oil facility bombings. In one of the most recent
conversations that I and Bolaino have had he mentioned that tribal
tension had been on the rise and if things continued than his tribe the
Urhobo and the Ijaw tribe, for which Tompolo belongs to may fight each
other. As I asked him why the conversation proceeded and this is what
TaShawn: So why will your tribe (Urhobo) fight the Ijaws?
Bolaino: They are trying to frame me up, I will not fold my hands
and allow people kill Americans and blame it on my organization. The
only thing that will solve all this is if that pastor is arrested. Ijaw
and Urhobo people are killing each other more each day in the villages,
and the man who is responsible for this is going out to party. Pastor
Ayo Oritsejafor, immediate past CAN president Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor,
immediate past CAN president
TaShawn: Who is this man you speak of?
Bolaino: The man is the devil incarnate himself. He succeeded in
making the Itsekiri and Ijaw fight endlessly in Delta state many years
ago. He succeeded then and he is succeeding again. This time around the
death rate from a tribal war between Urhobo and Ijaw going the way it is
already will be devastating. My parents’ house will be burnt to ashes
and all houses in the area. As it is now, there is already a refugee
crises as Ijaw people are moving out of my area in Udu which is an
Urhobo community. Some are being harassed and assaulted, and Tompolo has
told me that if all this should continue we will fight each other.
TaShawn: Do you want to fight Tompolo ?
Bolaino: No I do not want to fight, I want peace.
TaShawn: Have you told anyone else about this?
Bolaino: I have been telling everyone for the past few weeks how
they want to give me a name that is not my own. From the FBI, CIA, to
the State Department. My country, my Senator, my ministers, etc. but
they are acting like imbecilas, as if they don’t know A from B. They are
forcing my hands. I have called the Nigerian Army. DSS. All of them. I
have called the minsters I know. They pick the call and pretend to
listen, and tell me they will do something about it but all the while,
things are escalating.
TaShawn: How has the situation escalated and you never mentioned the Pastor’s name?
Bolaino: His name is Ayo Oristsejafor. He is now moving his guns
and weapons from his church to Urhobo communities to fuel tribal war.
They plan on blowing up a Chevron facility and putting the blame on me
and my movement (MFPND). That is why I had to go to the creeks this
period to plan for this. I have written about this man, there are a lot
of things he has done if there is a Satan that is who he is.
TaShawn: So why are you telling me and how do you expect these agencies to help?
Bolaino: I want you to expose this man. It is the only way to end
this situation. There is evidence to put him in prison, but Nigerian
people are scared of him, because he is a pastor. If you can help to
expose him everything will be over.. the militancy in the region, etc.
TaShawn: What kind of evidence do you have and are you sure it will stick to him?
Bolaino: I can tell you everything if you agree to help and are willing to listen. You will need to write all of this down.
TaShawn: Alright I will do what I can to help and am ready to listen…
Bolaino: Ok, firstly, Pastor Ayo is the Chief sponsor of the militant group The Niger Delta Avengers (NDA)
TaShawn: Are you are saying that Tompolo is not the one giving the NDA orders?
Bolaino: That is exactly what am saying. He (Pastor Ayo) sponsors
them by giving weapons and ammunition. He gives them targets to bomb in
the Niger Delta.
TaShawn: Now Bolaino how can you allege that a Pastor is the
sponsor of such a deadly group. What proof do you have of this
Bolaino: Yes we have very strong proof of his involvement in the
bombings of the Niger Delta. But we will only show the evidence to
incorruptible government lawyers and we are ready to stand in a
competent court of law to defend our allegations. I assure you we have
corroborative evidence against this man and the media can attest to its
truthfulness. I want to discuss this evidence with men and women of the
TaShawn: Ok, what exact evidence do you have on the Pastor?
Bolaino: First and foremost the pastor uses his private aeroplane
to ferry drugs and guns from America and other parts of Europe to
Nigeria. He has been caught once by the Authorities, but the corrupt
government of the former president of Nigeria swept it under the rug.
TaShawn: Why did the former president not apprehend the Pastor at that time he was caught?
Bolaino: The plane was purchased with money from the Government
scams involving the Nigerian Army. At the time the pastor was helping
with corrupt Government officials in Nigeria to launder money with his
bank Eagle Flight Micro Finance Bank . They were stealing money meant
for fighting insurgency in the North Eastern part of Nigeria. At the
time Colonel Sambo Dasuki was in charge of ripping the army off from the
inside, since he was in government at the time.
TaShawn: Please explain more in depth how these men, Dasuki and Ayo operated inside the scandal?
Bolaino: They were supposed to buy aeroplanes, weapons, and
ammunition for the Nigerian Army fighting Boko Haram, but these monies
were never spent on the things that were needed to be purchased.
TaShawn: Is this a factor of why Boko Haram is still at large in Northern/ Northeast Nigeria presently?
Bolaino: Yes, as a result, Boko Haram invaded the Northeast and
Nigerian army men were running away from the battle field because they
were not well equipped enough and they became mutinous.
TaShawn: Is that the only evidence you have?
Bolaino: No, we have more, We have evidence that he was caught once
more working with Hezbollah organisation in Nigeria. They were helping
him to buy weapons in South Africa when his plane was caught with over 9
million dollars. When they questioned him as to what he intended to do
with that large sum of money the response was that he wanted to buy arms
and ammunition from a South African defence contraction company. After
the claims were investigated they were found to be false. This lead us
to believe that he was preparing for secession in Nigeria if the ruling
party at the time lost. Prior to that time he and others at large had
tried to assassinate Mr Muhamadu Buhari, in a twin car bomb attack in
Kaduna. Fortunately, Buhari survived.
TaShawn: Bolaino how did you come to learn all this information?
Bolaino: The pastor told us in an informal gathering of warlords
that period that they did it because they did not want Buhari to
survive; they knew that if they allowed him to contest in the election
they would loose and he would win. Afterwards, the pastor came up with
the “BuhariBokoHaramOp”. See at the time he was the leader of the
Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) so he had a cult following and he
still does to this day.
TaShawn: What do you mean by “he had a cult following” and exactly how did the pastor use his following to further his agenda?
Bolaino: I mean he had a mass following of pastors and their
members that would do as he said with no questions asked. He started
telling his pastors and their members in churches all over Nigeria that
Buhari is a terrorist. That Buhari planned to Islamize Nigeria if he
won. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Tompolo Former Niger Delta
warlord Tompolo
TaShawn: Since you say “we” a lot I am assuming there are witnesses
other than yourself that can attest to this information you are sharing
with me today?
Bolaino: Yes, we have numerous witnesses to this scandal. Myself
being one of course. But Pastor Ayo and his followers did this for long,
even until this day that propaganda still thrives on, hence the current
disposition of my fellow warlords to Buhari. As they still honestly
believe that Buhari is the sponsor of the Boko Haram. They don’t know
any better otherwise. But as God would have it everything they did in
trying to kill Buhari or spoil his image was in vein. At the time of the
past election, it has to be mentioned that the pastor was campaigning
for PDP which is the party of the former president.
TaShawn: Ok, so to back track a little you mentioned you are a
warlord, but that you currently want peace; are you saying that some
warlords in Nigeria are fighting for peace?
Bolaino: Yes, I am a warlord, and once again yes I and other
warlords want peace to reign throughout Nigeria, as there is no reason
to fight. The problem is corruption and greed. To add to my earlier
information, we received word of Ayo’s involvement in the assassination
attempt on Buhari in 2014 by a former Hezbollah operative we caught at
sea after the act. He confessed to it before he died. That was when we
started to connect the dots between him and the Hezbollah network in
Delta state. After his candidate lost he sent a mole into the APC
(opposing political party) in the person of Chief Ayiri Emami.
TaShawn: Who is this Chief Ayiri, what is his background and why did Pastor Ayo choose him as a mole?
Bolaino: Ayiri is known in Warri as a popular assassin and
ritualist, so he was welcomed into the APC. Ayiri made sure to enter the
APC two days after it was announced that his former party the PDP had
lost the election. The APC being a party of Northern extraction did not
fully understand the workings of the Niger Delta Politicians/ warlords.
So it was from here on that the Niger Delta agitation was hijacked by
Pastor Ayo and his cohorts. This is where everything started, this is
where the story is today.
TaShawn: And what of Tompolo and how are you so deeply involved and
knowledgable of all this information that no one else will speak of ?
Bolaino: Tompolo is a good man, a man that I owe immense gratitude
to. He is the one that inspired me to join the Niger Delta struggle for
resource control. He was always helping the poor and making them
millionaires over night. It was strange because no one else in the
region had ever done anything like it before. Although he was an outlaw
when I first met him, he was given amnesty and I was not, so I began
working with pastor Ayo and Ayiri.
TaShawn: Ayiri, Ayo, Tompolo and You are Warlords? Any other names I should know of that pertain to this story?
Bolaino: Ayiri is a warlord for all the Itsekiri people of Delta
state. You have to also know that Pastor Ayo is also of the Itsekiri
tribe, with the former Governors of the Delta state. Chief Ibori who was
the first democratic governor of Delta state is half Urhobo and half
Itsekiri. It was through his cousin Governor Uduaghan who is the
immediate past governor of Delta state; he is also Itsekiri, and he is
also the brains behind the whole NDA operation. He does the planning,
strategizing etc. He is a brilliant man but he only uses his brilliance
for evil. He is the evil genius behind all this and he is also the one
who set Ibori up. Ibori is currently serving jail time in the UK. Ibori,
his wife Nkoyo, and his sisters and lawyers are all serving time in the
UK. They were all set up by the same people who are about to set me and
Tompollo up. So I started working with Pastor Ayo.
TaShawn: Why is Ibori in jail?
Bolaino: There are newspaper articles to corroborate what I am
saying. These things are public knowledge, well not all but some. They
are deceiving the Deltans. Did you not hear of the Monseca law firm
scandal? That indicted many prominent men and women of the world for tax
evasion and financial crimes. Ibori is highly implicated in that
scandal, as his name was released in the leaks. Google it. The British
government intends on levelling new fresh charges against him.
TaShawn: Alright, now please tell me what you want the media and press to do? Especially the American press…
Bolaino: I have gone to British Media many times. They know all
this but are afraid to do anything. Many people only hear my name but
they do no know my face. I need to put a face to my name for the sake of
peace to reign. I want you and others to take this issue very
seriously, please. We want these things to be published everywhere in
news in the US because what is happening now concerns them a lot. It is
common knowledge that American and British companies like Shell and
Texaco operate in Delta state. The Niger Delta Avengers have been
blowing up Shell facilities, but they have not been blowing up much of
Texaco facilities.
TaShawn: Do you know why it’s mostly the Shell facilities being bombed?
Bolaino: Good question, yes I do. Shell operates in the Ijaw part
of the Delta state, namely the Shell oil exporting tank at Forcados, In
Ogulagha Kingdom. While Chevron Texaco is located in the Itsekiri part
of Delta state. Texaco has an oil exporting tank farm at Ugboroda in
Warri Southwest Escravos of Delta state. TaShawn: Are you going to get
to how this all escalates into Tribal conflict and future war?
Bolaino: Yes, that is where I am going to. You have to know that
for many decades the Ijaws and Itsekiris have been fighting tribal war
in the Delta state for long. The fight is usually on and off, and when
they fight they burn down everywhere in Warri. The reason we moved to
the area (my family and I) we are currently staying is because of the
tribal fighting in that part of Warri we used to stay. They were always
burning down houses and the house we were staying in Ogborikoko at the
time was owned by an Ijaw man. So we were at risk of our house being
burnt by the Itsekiris at any time. So after the former president lost
the election and Ayiri switched into the APC just two days after his
former party lost the election it was assumed that Ayiri had betrayed
them at the federal government level of the PDP.
TaShawn: So who are the Urhobo/ Isoko preparing to fight presently?
Bolaino: Currently the Ijaws. Pastor Ayo is giving us all the weapons we need to fight.
TaShawn: So why aren’t you happy about this, why tell me to expose the man who is helping you?
Bolaino: He is a bad man. The reason I am angry is because he tried
to kill me when I refused. If not that I am a strong man, a man of the
spirits then I would be dead by now and my son would be fatherless for
sure, but God Disgraced him.
TaShawn: Why are they fighting?
Bolaino: They are fighting because the pastor set us up to fight
and gave the order. TaShawn: So in Nigeria, one must fight when a Pastor
gives the order because he is a warlord who hands them out weapons ?
Bolaino: Yes Jesus is God in Nigeria, anything church if you oppose
it they will kill you. Do you know how many thousands of people pastors
have killed in Delta State? You don’t. They sent people to my house. My
father and mother have relocated to other regions. Right now he is
distributing Guns out to people under his boy Ayiri and others at large.
He is the one (The pastor Ayo) who told the King of Aladja and Urhobo
Community that God revealed to him that if he does not tell his fellow
Urhobo Kings to drive out Ijaws from Urhobo land that the Ijaws will
take over all of Urhobo land in the next year 2017 with the Biafrans.
The Biafrans have vowed to tear Nigeria apart by January next year to
fulfil America’s prediction of Nigeria breaking into pieces in 2017.
TaShawn: Do you know why he (Pastor Ayo) is doing all this?
Bolaino: He is doing all this to escape prison. Many of the people
he shared federal government money with meant to fight Boko Haram, are
currently in prison. They are mentioning his name in statements, and
soon he will be indicted. So he is doing this in order to escape being
arrested. This is what he told me before trying to kill me. He tried to
kill me in his church, this is where we hold meetings and that is also
where he stores the weapons for the NDA. Tompolo and I were preparing to
submit all our weapons to the government, but our hands are being
forced to fight one another; if this pastor is caught the bloodshed will
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