
The Nigerian Academy of Science (NAS) on Thursday endorsed the use of Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs) to boost animal crop production, tough poses no risk to human health or the environment.
MO is a modern biotechnology of using appropriate molecular tools by genetic engineering to transfer one or more desirable genes even among unrelated species, to obtain new products with specific benefits in plants and animals.
The Academy, which is the umbrella body of all scientists in Nigeria, spoke in Lagos through its President, Professor Oyewale Tomori, said that GMO is necessary to enable Nigerians and the world meet up with the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation’s mandate to grow more than 70 percent of food by 2050 to keep up with world population growth and sustainable development.
The Professor of Virology and Vice Chancellor of the Redeemer’s University, Ogun State, noted that GMO is necessary to address the problems of food nutrition insecurity and to increase agricultural production is safe for human and animal consumption as it is not only good micronutrient that enriches bacterial, fungal and viral resistance, it has the ability to survive in harsh conditions of drought, heat, acidic and salty soils. Thus, it will support conventional agriculture.
He said: “The Academy supports a science-based regulatory policy governing GMO technology even though the technology may not have met expectations in Africa.”
According to Professor of Plant Breeding and crop biotechnology, Prof Effiom Ene-Obong, genetic crops are grown in more than three-quarters of the world with only soy bean, cotton and maize being adapted in the country.
In Nigeria, crops under such research include: cassava1; cowpeas; rice; guinea corn and maize if improved in production will give lots of economic gains; though they are yet to be commercialised.
NAS called on the government to prioritise funding of biotechnology laboratories and agencies across the country for double assurance as well as recruit more human resources to test and monitor at entry points. Also, GMO foods still need to be subjected to further testing and reviews in preparation for the future.

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