YJVC is a brand With unique approach to teaching aspiring singers at the Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced level both Choir/Bands creates skilled and confident musicians. We use real music as instruction, so our clients have fun while learning practical knowledge.
Our seasoned vocal instructors will teach you the basic and finer points of being an excellent vocalist and bandleader.
YJVC helps both individuals,choir & band wanting to sing to get the basics right,
some of the areas taking our classes will improve are..

*High Notes
*Vocal Range
*Microphone technique & accurately   matching pitch
*Basic vocal warm-ups, e.t.c...

YJVC offers vocal music lessons for any level of performer from someone starting out to performers who've been performing for years - there's always room for improvement.
To find out more or to enrol your choir,band or as an individual contact us via

E-mail: yjvcng@gmail.com
Pin:- 55840940
Mobile:- 08163321987
Instagram page: yjvcng

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