IT IS HIGH TIME WE TOOK CONTROL OF OUR OWN LIVES, OUR OWN DESTINIES, OUR FUTURE..not by Terrorism!!, not by kidnapping!!, not by stealing!! and definitely not by Fraudulent practices!!.
I wish you could forward it to every youth known to you, so they can have a piece of it. And let the sleeping giants rise.
"My Dear Nigerian Youths",
There are already enough reasons to be angry, to be frustrated and to want to give up on life but that is the main reason for this address.
Why did we become so DEPENDENT?
Our founding fathers knew the benefits of freedom and that is why they fought for this great nation to gain independence.
O..what joy the nation knew on October 1st in the year 1960 when we finally became an "INDEPENDENT NATION"
Instead of building on the glories and achievements of our past leaders, we went backwards and even became worse... We became "OVER-DEPENDENT".
-We became "OVER-DEPENDENT" on Oil; Look now where it got us(the nation's economy is in crisis)
-We became "OVER-DEPENDENT" on WHITE COLLAR jobs; Look where it has gotten us. Very high rate of Unemployed, worse still under-employed graduates (PhD holder with a basic salary of #60,000) 
-We became "OVER-DEPENDENT" on the government and their promises; let's take a look at where it has gotten us (they always tend to not keep their promises).
-We became "OVER-DEPENDENT" on importation; (we basically import everything and export probably nothing)
You and I know the list is endless, it goes on and on. It is something we all know.
The main disadvantages of DEPENDENCE is "it reduces one's ability to think, to create". It allows one to die in your comfort zone, it gives no room for growth (Physically, mentally, Spiritually).
A famous philosopher once said" the moment you stop growing is the moment you die". 
Another great philosopher said "we do not have third world countries, we only have third world minds"
Taking a look at great countries, great men, I once thought to myself " what is it that makes this people great? What is it that makes this country or that country great?
Immediately, the answers came flooding in mind. These people are great because they used the most powerful tool the world has ever known "THE MIND". They learnt and mastered how to control their THOUGHTS. They learnt how to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX". They learnt how to use their MIND to control their THOUGHTS.
They knew that if they wanted to be great, it was up to THEM, and not up "TO SCHOOL, NOT TO A JOB, NOT TO OIL, NOT TO THE GOVERNMENT, NOT TO IMPORTATION"
Slowly but Consciously and Deliberately, we must break free of our dependence on these things and start to depend on these other things "YOURSELF, YOUR MIND, YOUR THOUGHTS"
We must stop being arrogant even in our ignorance.
Instead,we must take conscious steps to develop ourselves, our minds
How? You may ask
1)Read books
2)Attend seminars, workshops
3)Listen to motivational tapes, audios
4)Believe in the power of "YOU"
5)Look for positive people and attach yourself to.
6)Move away from mediocre people you call friends who are not building you, people who are not motivating you, people that when you bring up an idea; they already have 1001 reasons why it would not work
7)Take Risk, Explore opportunities, be adventurous, Learn and never stop learning
8)Seek wise counsel
9)Be persistent 
10)Stop being negative. The thing about our mind is that it is like an Empty jar, we get out of it exactly what we put into it. Determine today to stop putting negative thoughts in your mind, thoughts about how bad the government is, about how bad the economy is. With all these negative thoughts in our mind, we subconsciouslly tell ourselves that there's nothing good left in this world.
In a negative world, let us challenge ourselves to always stay positive. That's what makes you different.
11)Rather than work hard, work smart.
12)Rather than sitting in front of a computer ranting all day through social media but with every click, you're making money - not for yourself - but for Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and with every megabyte of data you spend complaining and maligning, you make stupendous bucks for Etisalat, MTN, Glo and Airtel; Look for how you can use this opportunity of the internet(it is one opportunity our forefathers never had) where you can connect with the whole world to share yourself, your product, your opportunity, who you are.
Remember- if it's not making you money or building you, it's killing you. So Quit it.
Its possible that over the next two years, the number of Nigerian millionaires will jump by 47%. Ask yourself if  most likely you will be among or you won't because you were too busy whining, complaining and still depending on the country to get better.  
Oh dear youths, about 60% of Nigeria’s 170m population are below 35 years. Let this not be a waste! 
Mark Zuckerberg was 19 when he started Facebook.
Africa’s youngest billionaire, Ashish Thakkar, is 31. He escaped from the Rwandan genocide and relocated to Uganda where he started an IT business.
Collin Thornton, who made his millions by fixing bad computers and setting up Dial-a-Nerd, is 35.
Adam Horowitz, an 18-year-old entrepreneur, started 30 websites in 3 years before he became successful.
Jason Njoku a 33 year old Nigerian and the founder of Iroko TV. He received $8m investment into his company just a few years ago. What did he do? What makes him so special you might ask. He thought outside the box. By finding a way of sharing the same Nollywood films that we spend hours to watch online. He didn’t just hang around waiting depending on Buhari to make something happen or blaming Jonathan for not making anything happen.
Kamal Budhabhatti was deported from Kenya but while on the flight, he thought of the opportunities in Kenya. He found his way back after 6 months and today his company is valued at $30m. He’s 36.
Have you heard of Chinedu Echeruo? Apple just paid $1b for his app. He’s a Nigerian like you and . Chinedu moved to New York in 1995 and found it difficult to navigate the city with ease so he developed HopStop to fix the problem.
Jim Rohn, America's foremost philosopher said "its not about the problems, its what we do about it that makes the difference"
The problems are quite much - we know already but what are we doing about it?
- All they did that made them who they are was to look for ways at attempting and fixing a problem
Awolowo was 37, Akintola was 36, Ahmadu Bello was 36, Tafawa Balewa was 34, Okotie-Eboh was 27 and Enahoro was 27 at the time of independence of Nigeria.
In 1966, the first coup was led by Kaduna Nzeogwu (29) and stopped by Murtala Mohammed (28), TY Danjuma (28), IBB (25), Sanni Abacha (23) and Shehu Yar'adua (23).
It brought in Yakubu Gowon as Head of State at 32 and Olusegun Obasanjo at 29.
No time is better than now. A Chinese proverb says"the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is NOW"
Of course, you know Linda Ikeji. You’ve spent hundreds of hours on her blog laughing and commenting while she smiles her way to the bank.
She was as broke as you are but she turned a hobby into a business.
Its time we understand that these politicians have no regard for us!
They thought we would only be as good as election tickets, or as their favorite thugs! Kidnapping and killing for them. They said to themselves that we were only good to be used and discarded like used ballot papers only remembering us every four years.
"CHANGE begins with You and it begins with ME",
Let us BE the CHANGE we want to see.
On a final note, Philosopher Zig ziglar once said "if you help other people get what they need, you'll get what you want"
I challenge you to ask yourselves this question: what do people need that my talent, or I can provide?
---"I'm Living my dream by motivating others to live theirs" What about you?---
Questions, comments, have an idea or you're just in need of a positive shoulder, reach me via whatsapp, call or text: 
Finally, once you've attained positivity, help someone out there obtain theirs. You can do this by:
 i)Smiling and laughing as often as you can. It adds "Life to our years and years to our lives"
ii) Liking and sharing this post to inspire someone out there.
By Anochirim Maximus Tochukwu.

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