naked trump

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate has been a controversial figure ever since he announced his intention to run for office.  His many outbursts which have offended just about every race in the known universe have made him much maligned and disliked figure in the American community.
This is not to say he is not without his supporters, but even those are dwindling as he lost the support of major republicans who labelled him as ‘Reckless’.

Now, a life-size, flesh-coloured statue of a completely naked Donald Trump popped up at Union Square in downtown Manhattan but has since been removed by New York authorities.

To make things worse, he was crafted without balls which made it all the more amusing.

The statue is the work of a group of artists known as Indecline, and it was their way of protesting against the Republican nominee. in the middle of a heavily crowded area were aiming to protest the attitudes and statements of the Republican candidate, EFE news reported.

It was in a crowded area and it stood there for over 2 hours with tourists and other people taking pictures of it and generally laughing at the spectacle.

It was finally removed by personnel from the city’s Parks Department who said in a communique that it is illegal to display artwork in public without the proper permits.
The group, Indecline, carried out similar protests against Trump in Seattle, Cleveland, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
In a statement they said, “Unlike the statues, it’s our hope that Donald Trump, our modern-day Emperor of Fascism and Bigotry is never installed in the most powerful political and military position in the world. These fleeting installations represent this fleeting nightmare, and in the fall, it is our wish to look back and laugh at Donald Trump’s failed and delusional quest to obtain the presidency,”
You can check out photos below.

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