1. Trim long nose and ear hairs.
It’s pretty hard to carry on a conversation when you can’t take your eyes off a ginormous boogie hanging from a man’s nose hair. And you can forget about us whispering sweet nothings into ears that are clogged with wax and flaky wisps of hair. Investing in a trimmer is all it takes is to get either situation under control.
2. Clean up unruly eyebrows.
We’re not saying that you have to have a standing brow appointment at the salon, but we definitely agree with Facebook user Colleen McGuigan’s explanation of how unkempt eyebrows can affect a man’s appearance: “My husband and son have the same bushy eyebrows. My son (19 yrs old) has his waxed and threaded on a regular basis. My husband does not. As a result, my husband often looks angry when he is not. Since he is in sales, that probably isn’t a good thing.”
3. Exfoliate.
Model and actor Shaun Ross shared his no-fail skincare secrets in a Huffington Post blog post, explaining that men don’t need fancy scrubs to slough away all the dirt, debris and dead skin cells — his homemade recipe uses salt. But there is a right way to exfoliate your face. Take notes.
4. Apply daily moisturizer and sunscreen.
Men can easily hydrate and protect their skin by applying a moisturizer with SPF. Done and done.
5. Wear eye cream.
The HuffPost Lifestyle editors let out a resounding “Amen” after reading Facebook user Carmen Daniela Chavez’s comment: “They don’t comprehend how necessary it is and have too much pride to purchase it for themselves, so he uses mine.”
6. Take better care of nails and feet.
This involves applying lotion, clipping long nails and, of course, scrubbing your feet. Don’t forget to get in between those toes, too!

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