Niger Delta militants have threatened to re­sume hostilities and have alleged that the two weeks ceasefire agree­ment elapsed without any commitment on the part of the Federal Gov­ernment.
The fighters said gov­ernment officials are more interested in grand­standing rather than initiating dialogue with them.
In a statement entitled: ‘If you make the peace­ful change that we seek impossible, we will make violent change possible’, a group called Ultimate Warriors of the Niger Delta said if the situation continued that way, mas­sive attacks on oil assets will commence in the days ahead.
“Our patience is run­ning out and we have decided to let the world know our grievances pure and plain again. We are sounding this as a last warning before the whirl­wind gets down.
“The tsunami that will descend in coming days would be severe for the current government to handle. The operations that would follow these plans are strategic and all operations would be codi­fied as our goals have been codified in a one line mis­sion statement.
“The Federal Govern­ment cannot continue to give us crumbs. We own the oil, we own the wealth, we will no longer accept outsider’s controlling oil blocs that are in our land. We want 60 percent of it for our people because we own the resources that sustain the country,” Sibiri Taiowoh, spokesman of the group said in a statement.
Also, former militant leaders in Bayelsa State have vowed to stop the spread of bombing of oil installations in the state by criminal elements.
Warning members of the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA), the former mili­tant leaders said they will resist attack on oil instal­lations in the state. The former militants leaders commended the Minister of State for Petroleum Re­sources, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu and the state government for their commitment to bringing sustainable peace in the state and the Niger Delta region.
Meanwhile, the De­fence Headquarters has scrapped the Joint Force Operation Pulo Shield and immediately replaced it with Opera­tion Delta Safe. A state­ment by acting Director of Defence Information, Brigadier General Rabe Abubakar said the change was necessary in the face of current security chal­lenges.
Credit: Sun

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