In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of waters.
And God said, let there be light and there was light, and God saw the light that it was good (Gen. 1:1-3).

Why the above scripture? I shall explain that to you in a jiffy. The world we are all living in today was in a total mess before the creator stepped in to put things order, and despite the truth that He's God, He couldn’t do anything until He commanded light to be, and if you will all agree with me that the first thing God created after the earth and the heaven was light, after which every other things that was created followed, including human being.
  The importance of light (Regular electricity supply) cannot be over emphasis, particularly in having a sustainable economy and making our suffering mother land a better land to stay for everyone. We are in a country of over 170million populace, and 68% of the populace lives below poverty line, 54% of our young people remain unemployed, our economy has been severely damaged among many other dilemma we are facing right now as a country.
The popular saying that we are the giants of Africa is a lie that is far from being truth, because we have nothing to prove that self-claim glory. Nelson Mandela said “only a fool will refused to change his/her mind when confronted with a truth”
 There are many countries in Africa that there economy is well structured and developed. Let me state but few, South Africa has a country is generating 44,000 megawatts and their population is around 48 million, while our neighbor Ghana is generating 2850 megawatts, Egypt is generating 30,000 megawatts as at 2013 and Cameroon is generating as much as 72,000 megawatts
I, as a person believe we can tackle this problem once and for all, holistically. Of course Rome was not built in a day, even the queen is not blessed in a week and America did not become great in a year, it was a gradual process, which we must also follow in making Nigeria a better place for both the poor and the elites.
 If government is genuine and aiming at building a sustainable economy, then power must be an integral part of that change, I mean if the CHANGE that President Muhammad Buhari promised during his campaign is genuine, regular electricity supply should be on his priority list, and I believe that is the reason why he made Fashola a super minister.
  We have enormous numbers of graduates acquiring core knowledge and values, every year from different institutions of learning, but the dilapidated state of the country has turned their respective dreams and vision into a mirage. Many acquire vocational skills like fashion designing, Welder, Barbing, confectioneries etc., to become Okada rider, and when you ask them why, they have a ready-made answers; they will tell you No Light and that has frustrate their businesses and carrier, and they have mouths to feed.
I believe solving electricity problem is to solve more than half of our predicaments. Last month, the IKEJA POWER embarked on 3 to 4 days strike and the whole state suffer a setback in their businesses, even the street hawkers felt it more, because there was no light to chill their soft drinks.
 The truth is, if government provide a stable electricity supply, this will propel our teeming youths to venture into myriad number of business, and both SMES and large scale business will flourish and bloom.
 In the conclusion, even God the master creator could not put earth in order until He put light in place, after which creation started, so president Buhari should work towards lightening Nigeria, that is if he truly meant the CHANGE he promised
 The fact that over 160 million Nigerians self-generate electricity should be a burden on a leader who has people’s interest at mind, and I must say categorically that the best gift President Muhammad Buhari can give to the masses and to those who fell during the last general election, is to give us 24 hours power supply. Nigeria will be great again!
God bless Nigeria
God bless You.


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