Everyone wants to be happy in their lives, but it isn’t
always easy. You may take drastic measures — try to
buy new things, meet new people, uproot your life, but
nothing changes. But being happy starts in your mind,
so you have to give your mind what it needs first. If
you’re looking for some foolproof ways to improve your
life, here are 4 scientific tips on how to boost
happiness, starting in your brain.
Experience gratitude. Studies have shown time and time
again that expressing gratitude and humility for the
good qualities in your life can make you happier on a
chemical level. Gratitude stimulates the brain to create
dopamine and feel-good neurotransmitter, serotonin. By
expressing your gratitude to people you are grateful for,
you in turn create a positive social relationship with
those around you that keeps on giving.
Express your emotions. Whether it’s through verbal
language, writing or some other form of art, expressing
what your innermost feelings are can have an instant
effect on your life outlook. Often, our deepest emotions
can get blurred while they’re still whirling around in our
minds. By putting your emotions out there, you can take
a step back — look, read or watch — and begin
to understand your feelings for what they really are.
This allows your brain the space to analyze and
process emotions, which often reveals that they are not
as intense or dire as you may have previously thought.
Expressing your emotions allows you to put everything
into perspective.
Give up perfection. While worrying about your problems
can seem productive — at least it’s on your mind, right?
— it gets you nowhere in the long run. Instead of
struggling and stressing over making the best decision
possible , you are far better off making any decision
rather than worrying over it. Making a decision moves
you forward. Worrying does not. Once you’ve made a
decision, your brain will immediately feel more at
peace. While making a bad decision is not encouraged,
making one that is good enough but not ideal is
probably the best way to go in terms of reducing stress
and increasing happiness. A good enough decision
activates a different part of the brain than an ideally
perfect decision. The former activates the prefrontal
cortex, which controls logic, while the latter activates
more emotional portions of the brain which can make
us feel less in control. An active decision also increases
dopamine production , meaning it actually makes you
happier, regardless of what you have decided.
Enjoy human touch. Human contact is a powerful force
in the body. It can boost the immune system, increase
trust, improve learning and — you guessed it — boost
your happiness and wellbeing. Human touch like a hug
releases oxytocin in the brain, which actually works to
facilitate intimacy and social bonding. Feeling like you
have a network of trustworthy people around you can do
wonders to improve your happiness. Go for long hugs, if
appropriate. Those stimulate the most oxytocin
Being happy starts in the brain. By being true to yourself
and others, you can live a happier life, accompanied by
other great side effects — like stronger social
connections, stronger feelings of self-worth and a more
positive outlook on life. Of course, listening to good
music or drawing a hot bath are great mood quick fixes,
too, but true happiness starts at your core. What are
your tricks when you want to feel happier?
Credit: care2.com

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