This couple got married exactly three months ago, having been engaged for more than five months before tying the knot.
Everything seems to be going on smoothly for the this couple, the neighbors  were jealous of their love life, some parents coveted their happy home by praying for such a marital bliss for their wards.
However, things seem well outside, but inside Is nothing to behold, the wife has been making a lot of sacrifices in other to keep the joy flowing in her home, but when are sacrifices were affecting her health and the husband was not reciprocating, the wife decided to satisfy herself. The husband did not take it lightly, which got the wife annoyed for being so insensitive to her pain when all this while she has been going a against her own will and health in other to keep the family in one piece.
The hullabaloo between the couple got the neighbor's  attention, the whole neighborhood was confused because such noise has never emanated  from the couple's quarter and they were wondering What exactly happened to the happy couple?
  This is what happened, the couple shared common ground on virtually everything, except for the fact that the wife is used to eating pepperish foods, that is the way she was brought up, in fact, if she try anything contrary, she will vomit and vomit. On the husband side, anything pepperish gets him uncomfortable, he must treat stomach burn anytime he tries it. So, Anytime the wife decides to cook to her own taste, All hell will be let loosed.

Out of concern, one of the neighbour suggested that, in order to avoid crisis between the couple, the wife should cook her own food separately, but the husband disagreed, he said their financial state can't accommodate that.
  After lengthy discourse, the couple were not able to resolve their differences, the landlord's wife advised the wife to apply wisdom in a time like this.
  Please advise this couple, as their tree months old marriage is about to hit the rock.

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